
Sonia Kapasi

Certified hypnotherapist, Reiki master, and Intuitive energy therapist National guild of Hypnosis and Canadian Reiki Association

Sonia is a certified Hypnotherapist and Past life regressionist trained by Dr Brian Weiss. Sonia is also a Reiki Master, and an Intuitive Energy Channel for Non-physical Divine Master Beings – Sonia receives messages telepathically and energetically. She can read and interpret energy as she is blessed with the gift of clairvoyance and clairaudience. Sonia has been personally coached and mentored by Sheila Gillette and THEO (12 Archangels channeled through Sheila who is a renowned Psychic Channels in North America as seen on Gaia TV).

Sonia works with her Non-Physical guides and uses various healing modalities such as Hypnotherapy, Past life regression, Shadow energetics, Meditation, Reiki, and Soul-Integration, to assist individuals and groups, release energy blockages and live a fuller life.

As per Sonia’s Non-physical guides, ‘Our perception is our greatest wealth, our self-worthiness beliefs affect everything. What we believe about ourselves influences our career, money, relationships, everything! As we learn to release our inner blocks and shift to a higher energy frequency, abundance in all areas of life is easily accessible. Life is supposed to feel good. The energy of love, joy, happiness, fun, laughter, ease, calm are all our natural states of being. The stream of Wellbeing is always flowing, all we need to do is ‘tune-in’. Sonia imparts this knowledge through her workshops, coaching initiatives, and one- on-one consultations.

Sonia with Dr Brian Weiss (Past life Regression)

Sonia’s Journey:

Hello, I’m so happy you’re here!

My name is Sonia Kapasi and my many years of working as a Divine Conduit and an Energy Healer have been incredible!

I was born and raised in Mumbai, India. My husband, son and I immigrated to Canada in 2008. Growing up, I was always a bright, confident, easygoing, chirpy little kid who excelled at her studies and classical dancing. At that time, I would never have imagined being able to communicate with nonphysical beings. In fact, channelling, or energy work, was far beyond my realm of reality and comprehension.

My journey to expanded states of consciousness began in 2012. A personal setback in my relationship triggered a strong desire within – I felt like I needed to break out of a prison. It was ‘I needed to turn the page and start a new chapter’. I was emotionally, financially, and physically an absolute mess! I was feeling my world collapsing! A voice inside my head seemed to be saying ‘It is time – Step into a new Life’ I noticed repetitive patterns in my behavior and made a decision to break these patterns.

My desire to explore my relationship issues deeper, understand my reactive responses better. led me back to India where I went through intensive past life regression therapy, breath work and meditations. I soon realized that the relationship issues were only the triggers to bring me to something much bigger, way more fulfilling – something I was in absolute denial of – My Spiritual gifts!

I saw multiple lifetimes as a healer, a shaman, an energy worker, a psychic, etc. In each of these lifetimes, I was either killed, hung, stabbed, or locked away in dungeons for entire lifetimes for these gifts!! I was afraid of judgement. I was afraid of ridicule. I slowly began accepting that part of me which I had rejected all along. ‘It was Time!’

Once back home in Canada, I stopped dismissing the voices inside my head and started trusting them! I started paying attention to the messages I was receiving! As my acceptance of my gifts grew, synchronicity and strange things started happening. Slowly and miraculously everything, around me began to get better…my personal relationship improved, loving and supportive people started showing up, and my corporate consultancy business started thriving!

I happened to meet an Angel Card reader who affirmed, ‘you are so blessed with the gift of distance Reiki healing’; I had no idea about Reiki then – my curiosity led me to start learning Reiki.

I also began noticing a strange sensation in my eyes…It felt as if something was peeping through my eyes. At times it would feel like I could see deeper, further, and more clearly however physically there was no change in my vision nor any change in my prescription glasses!! I started receiving guidance through my meditative and dream states. I was guided to learn shadow energetics and other energy healing modalities including Silva’s USP techniques. As soon as I completed my Reiki distance healing level, something strange happened –

I started seeing energy blocks in people that I would send distance reiki to – People were amazed at the accuracy of physical & emotional blockages that I was able to assess and the healing they were experiencing.

My reiki circle started growing bigger. I was now picking up vibrational thought patterns and information that would be therapeutic for them. I knew, there was definitely something bigger, more intelligent, more powerful out there that was working through me! I had more questions.

I was drawn to teachings of Abraham-hicks which resonated with my soul; I asked my guides to send me a sign and show me my path. Next thing I knew, I was in a ‘free’ webinar speaking with 12 archangels called Theo (channeled through Sheila). They confirmed to me that I had been ‘channeling’ all these years. What I termed as ‘voices in my head’ were indeed divine master beings claireaudiently communicating with me. The strange sensation in my eye was because I had tapped into the multi-dimensionality of my soul. It was time I stepped into being who I was and accepting my divine gifts fully. It was time!

Over the next few years, under the private mentorship and personal coaching with Theo and Sheila (Ask THEO Group), I was able to fully allow myself to open up to my gifts and receive the love, wisdom, and energy of the Divine Master teachers.

I now offer these divine gifts to you through my various sessions and workshops. I feel fulfilled and full of gratitude for this divine ability to guide individuals to a more meaningful and purposeful life.